MUA Optimization Program
Our Process
We can work with you to review your portfolio and help you identify which buildings present the largest energy conservation opportunities, based on size of equipment, operating hours, pressurization needs, etc.
Evaluate equipment to forecast financial savings

Once the target locations are identified, our auditing team will perform an on-site visit to perform a floor-by-floor air audit and begin to quantify the volume of air that is being lost in the Makeup Air shaft due to duct leakage. We will also inspect the age, condition and performance of your MUA unit, and recommend the installation of a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), if financially warranted.
Pre-sealing air volume audit

The Aeroseal process is quick and non-disruptive, typically lasting 1-2 days to completely seal the main riser shaft, and exhaust systems (if required)., with no disruption to your building or tenants. This award-winning technology is designed to virtually eliminate duct leakage by sealing holes as large as 5/8” and as small as a human hair follicle.
Aeroseal main duct riser to eliminate duct leakage

Post-sealing audit
& system balancing
Our auditing team will perform a second site visit to take perform new floor-by-floor air volume measurements so that we can concisely quantify the airflow increase, post sealing.
Our team will also balance the system to ensure proper levels of airflow are reaching each floor, resulting in better indoor air quality, less CO2 levels, and more comfortable and consistent temperatures throughout the building.

Once each MUA unit is optimized to operate at peak efficiency, NERVA will provide a formal report outlining your total airflow increase, annual energy savings, and GHG reduction. As an added benefit, units that are optimized to operate at peak efficiency, require less maintenance and live longer.
Measure & verify

Case Studies
50 Prince Arthur Ave, Toronto

185 Lyon St N, Ottawa

$27% Airflow Increase
555 Sherbourne St. North York

$33% Airflow Increase

We provide fully-managed energy conservation programs backed by financial and performance guarantees.
No excuses. Full accountability. Quantifiable results.